Mai Ngam Beach

 ¿Qué ver en Mai ngam beach, Islas surin?

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Mai Ngam Beach is a beautiful beach located on the Surin Islands in Thailand. The beach is open from 8am to 5pm and there is no entrance fee. Unfortunately, there is no official website for the beach.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the Surin Islands National Park, which is home to a variety of wildlife including sea turtles, dolphins, and tropical birds. The park is open from 6am to 6pm and admission is 500 baht for foreigners and 100 baht for Thai nationals.

Visitors can also go snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters surrounding the island. There are several tour companies that offer snorkeling and diving trips, with prices ranging from 1,500 baht to 3,000 baht depending on the length of the trip.

Overall, Mai Ngam Beach and the surrounding Surin Islands are a must-visit destination for nature lovers and beachgoers visiting Thailand.

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(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Mai ngam beach)